25 October 2023

Rightmove October update from Ben Hudson

Rightmove October update from Ben Hudson


Ben Hudson, Managing Director at Hudson Moody in York, says that if home-sellers price right, there are buyers out there.

“Being too optimistic with the asking price causes a double-whammy for sellers – not only do they inevitably have to reduce the price of their home anyway, but they often put off potential buyers with too high an initial asking price and then struggle to recapture this attention when it’s reduced.

“Sellers who price realistically or even a little modestly, often find they are met with more than one buyer who is attracted by the good-value pricing, and then suddenly they have competition to buy the property which typically results in a higher agreed price,” he says.

Smallest October increase to asking prices in 15 years | Property blog (rightmove.co.uk)